Food-safe facilities are now more important than ever …

Vapor Armour’s Free Invasive Forensic Evaluation

As you may know, upon request, we perform our free Forensic Evaluations on your buildings to assess the need and cost of installing our patented Vapor Barriers.  Many of you are requesting these evaluations to comply with the USDA, FDA, FSMA and Insurance Audits. We can complete a free Forensic Evaluation (and a proposal) as follows:

  1. We take regular and thermal imaging pictures of your  ice and condensation concerns.
  2. We walk the exterior perimeter and the cooler/freezer interiors.
  3. If necessary, we obtain core  samples from the exterior roof deck to ascertain the extent of the ice contamination
  4. We talk with you and your team regarding where the vapor barrier has been breached.
  5. We will then prepare our Forensic Evaluation report have a conference with you to discuss its findings and dimensions to create a scope of work and Budget.
  6. Finally, Vapor Armour will send you a current Google Earth photo of your facility, highlighting the ice/condensation concerns, and a proposal for your budgets.

It is more important than ever for us to maintain a food-safe facility and maintain our budgets to comply with the USDA, FDA, FSMA and Insurance Audits — and all of that is possible, even under lockdown, with Vapor Armour’s Free Invasive Forensic Evaluation.

We look forward to hearing from you! Please stay safe!


We are building envelope experts dedicated to eliminating ice and condensation in every thermal-controlled facility.